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From nobel, BC Canada

Tell us your story.
I am an art quilter, and now disabled, I needed an design outlet - and found this! It has been wonderful. I have freedom to design, can do it on heat for my back fractures in bed. It really lifts my spirits when I need to be at home a lot. It ha really cheered me up.

Where do you sell your jewelry? Do you have any tips on selling there?
Word of mouth - not enough yet! Not well enough to take booths or shows, do not want to do internet, and find consignment to be untrustworthy.
As a result I have not solved this yet, I will see how Christmas buying goes, but do not like to take advantage or or use friends to try to make them buy. If they don't love it, don't take it. I will really have to work at selling it somehow. I never make the smae piece twice - they should get exclusivity for their purchase.

What's your biggest selling piece and why?
Very different designer necklaces. Also, custom to match an outfit(s). My color choices is usually what sells it. I also try to make it versatile.

What one piece of advice can you give to other aspiring jewelry makers?
Start small! Try some of the wonderfully explained pieces on this site, and decide what you like. You may want to specialize in wire work, or glass designs - just don't take on too much. Research the types of stones, etc. so you are a wise buyer. Don't buy all your inventory until you are sure what you want to make and learn in. This site deserves loyalty from beginner as it is so supportive! Be sure you have a market - and never use friends or push them - get so good they fall in love with a piece and have to have it.

Have you quit your day job yet? Can you give us any idea how much income your jewelry is making?
I am retired - and as I have only been at it less a year, my income in 2006 is only $3,600 to Oct.15. I must find a customer base and be focused on what people want.
I also do repairs and modernizing - which gives me customers for other things, which "happen to be out" when they bring their repair.

What would you say to someone that might be hesitant to invest in Preston's course?
Dont hesitate - make sure you buy the one closes to what you will be doing. I believe they are excellent - I have not been able to afford the course yet, but believe in it completely. I now find it was false economy not to buy it FIRST - would have saved me many months of research.. Do it! you wont be sorry. Also pay attention to his tips of the day, save them - you never know what you will be interested in in future.

Has jewelry making changed your life in any way?
Yes, it as enabled me to go back to my design and handwork in a less heavy way. As I am shut in a lot, and will be more so, I can do this in bed with heat on my back. The design boards are wonderful for this. I absolutely love it, and it has changed my life - i was missing that area of my life.

Do you sell any of your work on line or on Ebay? Do you do well there?
No. I don't want the hassle of on line.

What's your plan for the future?
I need to concentrate on spreading my word of mouth customers and adding more. My inventory far exceeds my sales, but I feel it was a great investment, and as we learn, and get different customers, we will use it all eventually. It saves me a fortune with gifts, and they love the hand made ones. People love to tell you their favorite style, color, or outfit, and then the pieces are triply special - I love that challenge.