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From riverhead, New York

Tell us your story.
I am just begining. My story is really very similar to yours Preston. Now I am home and on a limited income with my two pets gypsy and joey keeping me going. I have made some earrings and bracelets. I ordered wire from you because I think I would like the creativity part of working to make jewelery more. I am beginning to get bored with hooking earrings together. I think i finally got the right niche for making even round or oval loops. I am writing because it seems the only way to win a free DVD to help me learn more on how to make jewelery. At this point I will take anything free to get me started. You have already got me hooked with the wonderful videos you offer online. I am waiting as i write for an order I put in for wire and some small tools. thank you Preston.

Where do you sell your jewelry? Do you have any tips on selling there?
What I have made I sold at yardsales at my friends houses when they have one. I did ok, but the pricing for the materials I paid for and what a yardsale person wants to spend is either making me come out even or I lose money. not to bright on my part I know,Selling is my downfall, i feel sorry for people and give most of my stuff away. I know, that is defeating the whole purpose, but I am learning; espeacialy when my bills come in! I have alot of the swarvorski crystals items I make in bracelets and earrings. The people like them but they don't want to spend money on them. A few did and it made me gas money.

What's your biggest selling piece and why?
my earrings and bracelets because at this time it is what I have been making mostly and because they are sold for cheap. I have swarvorski crystal items that everyone ooh and ahhs about but they don't want to pay the cost. is charging 8 dollars too much for a crystal bracelet? I don't think so when you pay between 4 and 5 dollars for any where between 3 and six crystals a bag. You know I use more than that on the bracelet.I forgot about taking pictures , next time.

What one piece of advice can you give to other aspiring jewelry makers?
create a peaceful organized area to work at. Have the confidence to sell, and always use coupons and look for sales to help save money. think like an artist and create like an artist. Jewelery making to me is an art and it feels so good to make things with free expression. its like therapy to me. good luck

Have you quit your day job yet? Can you give us any idea how much income your jewelry is making?
I have a physical disabiliy as well as a mental disability. I can only tell you I am new at this and many people like my items but I need to do better on the pricing and selling part of this. I am not good at taking peoples money.

What would you say to someone that might be hesitant to invest in Preston's course?
I would say they shouldn't be. His video's alone tell me he is very good at teaching and what he does. He has such a calm affect when he speaks. I see the tools he has in his course and I do believe it is worht every penny.

Has jewelry making changed your life in any way?
Not yet, but I hope it will finacially, and mentally

What's your plan for the future?
To survive! In my head I made a name up for my business cards when I do get a business going, I will let you know after I get my first store to buy some inventory from me to sell.