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Barb Parker
From golden Valley, arizona

Tell us your story.
I have played around with making jewelry since i was a child just goofing off. Well about 8 years ago i became disabled and ended up being bedidden for over a year and then started taking my jewelr making up notch or so and now my stuff is realy nice. When others see it they cannot believe that I make it (which makes me feel real good which is wonderful when you have felt worthless for a few years due to an undiagnosable illness). Now when i don't feel well and laying in bed i pull out my drawers that have all my craft makings and start making something new. It takes my mind off my problems and lets me view beauty in all different new aspects. Jewely has become such an important part of my life.. sometimes I feel that it has helped me keep on living with so much more that i can look forward to. When I can i plan on getting the videos/DVDs from Preston but til I can afford it I always come to the website and browse around looking at all the wonders that i can find! Thank you for you site and your story because it does inspire many others.

Where do you sell your jewelry? Do you have any tips on selling there?
I try to sell my jewelry EVERYWHERE. I carry some in a large purse like bag and when I go out I and my mother wear some of it and if someone comments on it i tell them that i make it and ask them what their favorite color is and start pulling some out and that peeks interest, other times i play with it when i am out eating at restraunt and the waitress' go nuts! i have also tried flea markets/swap meets but where i am from they are too cheap to pay what should be paid an item. Now they have shows around our area but the prices for spaces are way to high for me so now i am thinking of finding a corner close to the action and setting out a table or booth there and see what happens with that... (a little booth, a little music and a large banner.. who knows .. you just might see me and i got what ya like).

What's your biggest selling piece and why?
i do a lot of jewelry with bamboo in it and it has a midwest / indian look to it and here in Arizona and Nevada people realy like the look. They are not that expensive (and i know where a bamboo tree is close to me so I get that supply pretty cheap!)
And it realy adds a uniqueness to what i have in all my pieces.

What one piece of advice can you give to other aspiring jewelry makers?
My advise is screw up a lot! practice makes uniqueness and those mess ups are just new ways to add something funky to your jewelry. It realy can give you a whole new look on something you may not have thought of. Also try drawing some designs out, imagine the oddest and string it in to the average and you got you clinch. it should all be what you enjoy and others will see that and feel it and ... go for it!

Have you quit your day job yet? Can you give us any idea how much income your jewelry is making?
i am on disability and not realy making any money on my jewelry yet but I do get out there some and hoping it will be building up now that i am able to move around more now

What would you say to someone that might be hesitant to invest in Preston's course?
save your money, beg plead and pray that you can somehow get it. i haven't gotten any yet due to lack of income so far but that is my approach for now and i know it will happen and help me, help my health and maybe help my wallet

Has jewelry making changed your life in any way?
yes it has given me inspiration to go on and makes me smile and when others see it and comment on how wonderful it is, it warms my heart and boost my spirit and i believe has helped bring some of my health back to me.

Do you sell any of your work on line or on Ebay? Do you do well there?
no i do not, I tried a couple times but there was so much stuff on there that it wasn't worth the fees vs the amount I wanted for the products

What's your plan for the future?
i want to get Prestons DVDs, keep reading about jewelry making, make jewelry, supplement my income with it, never stop doing it and maybe even do "shows" that come in to my area and also keep a little camper that i have fille with my "stock" for year round for anyone to come in and take a look and pick up a thing or 2. I want to let it to continue to fulil my life no matter what and no matter how much i have longer to live this life and i hope that since I am only 42 that it is going to be for a long while now.