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Dalia Stupp
From Tel-Aviv, Israel

Tell us your story.
My Name Is Dalia Stupp and I'm from Israel.
I come from the spiritual world as I was once an Astrologer that worked with problematic side of people, People came to me to cry and tell me of thier problems. Now I deal with happy side of life ladies are comming to buy jewelry and I see happy faces. I started to play with beads because a friend lost his legs and I took care of him so I had to do something not to get out of my mind. By playing with beads I made nice jewelry and one day I found Prestons site with fantastic Cameo Jewelry. I looked at his work the whole night and day after and one day I started to buy his dvd.

Thank you Preston even now I view the dvd when I feel I need to refresh my memory. It took me a long time to make my start as it was a real strugle to ask payment as I'm comming from a world of the stars and the new age religion.

I'm more then thankful to you Preston as you changed my mind
and now I'm able to charge people for my work.

1000 thanks you gave me a proffesion and you made me a lady that can sell my jewelry.

Once it was a real struggle to asked payment from people and now it's a
piece of cake.

Your bussiness dvd changed my mind and more is you life story. I understood that if you Preston at your start when you had to find
your wire at the junk yard and use telephone wire. Now if you gave the
items by the price of cost we today didn't had you as a teacher as you
couln'd be on the place you are.

The meaning of the frase even if we find a gem on the street we have to
charge for it per carat.

Your life story and this changed my mind ad you made me able to ask
money for my work and I stick to your system of calculation and it
doesn't matter how much I paid for the gems I'm using.

Your system is working like a swiss clock.

Where do you sell your jewelry? Do you have any tips on selling there?
Evry where. I'm walking on the street like a Christmas tree
with earrings , bracellete on each hand ant 4 rings and 2 or 3 pendants on 3 diffrent size of cords. People do stop me on the street and here I get them and sell. It can be on the line on the bank or at the supermarket.

My tip is don't go out naked wear your hand crafted lewelry they will make the work for you.

What's your biggest selling piece and why?
earrings pendants and bracelletes.

I think because they are one of a kind and people love it.

What one piece of advice can you give to other aspiring jewelry makers?
Be unique and creative don't copy, then you will have your one of a kind piece.

Have you quit your day job yet? Can you give us any idea how much income your jewelry is making?
Yes. Now I started to see more income as I learn't the system.

What would you say to someone that might be hesitant to invest in Preston's course?
Don't Hesitate as this system are working like a swiss clock.

Has jewelry making changed your life in any way?
Yes I'm more happy as I'm doing what I like and creativity is a fantastic thing that bring joy to my life.

What's your plan for the future?
To make more jewelry and to find new markets as I'm thinking to develope my home jewelry bussiness.