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Mary De
From Plymouth, NH

Tell us your story.
I started making jewelry well over fifteen years ago!

My intention was to find a way to make money working from
home so that I could be a stay at home mom for my children
in the early eighties...

Where do you sell your jewelry? Do you have any tips on selling there?
I Sell @ Craft Fairs, I Love Word Of Mouth, Repeat Customers. I've Done Bridal Shows & I also do jewelry home parties. I have done several things over the years. My Least Favorite Is Consignments. I Have Horror Stories Of The People Wearing My Jewelry Or Not Selling It Quick Enough Because I've Had To Mark-Up Too Much To Make The Profit. Up To 25% Has Been My Experience For The Store Owner.. WAY TOO MUCH IN MY BOOK!
I recently with the help of my close friend Jackie, have built a website.
This Is My Baby & I Will Be Promoting It With Purpose! WATCH OUT! If you do check it out please send me your feedback!

What's your biggest selling piece and why?
I seem to have great luck with my V-Style necklace.. It speaks for itself, Does it not? I obviously allow the cutomer to choose the gemstones So I Have Made This Style In Pearls.. Stunning, Smokey Quartz & Other Beautiful Semi-Precious Gemstones...

What one piece of advice can you give to other aspiring jewelry makers?
I Am A Firm Believer In Giving Away Free Earrings To New Customers Who Will Purchase A Necklace Or Bracelet From Me. If They Purchase The Necklace & Earrrings I Will Make Another Pair Of Matching Earrings So They Have A Choice For Simple Or Elegant!! For A Day And Evening Look!!
A Word Of Advice Too... It's really easy to get overwhelmed when you see all those beautiful gemstones!! We All Do! Try to keep yourself on a budget. Try To Use The Material That You Have To Make Earrings Before Making Unecessary Purchases, They Are A Great Seller! Necklaces Can Sometimes Consume So Much Time. & You Will Sometimes Have To Charge Much More Due To The Amount Of Time..

Have you quit your day job yet? Can you give us any idea how much income your jewelry is making?
I did quit my day job over a year ago. But, the struggle due to my husband's illness made it difficult to incorporate the different avenues i had intended on using for my income based home business to aspire. The Doctors Appointments & On Going Treatments.(He Also Is Unable To Drive) Since He Has Been Home From Iraq. I have since returned to work & I am glad to be back because i need to make money to promote my website! I'm only working three days a week though..
I wanna advertise in my local bridal expo magazine as well as the Chamber Of Commerce & A Couple Other Venues.. I will keep you posted. I Should be able to quit again within a few months. I am very motivated!

What would you say to someone that might be hesitant to invest in Preston's course?

Has jewelry making changed your life in any way?
Tremendously! I know I Will Always Be Able To Make Money Using My Craft! I have been making jewelry for well over 15 years// Yes! I have!

What's your plan for the future?
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