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Wendee Brandenburg
From Twin Lake, MI

Tell us your story.
I have been making jewelry for a few years now. I was mainly doing stitching and weaving. It took so long, I could never sell anything for the time I had into it. I wanted to do something that was faster but still needed talent and was unique. I found Preston at the end of last year and decided his DVD's were what I was looking for. After the first one arrived, I couldn't get over it. I loved it, was good at it, and could make it fast enough I didn't have to charge an arm and a leg for labor. I have since ordered several more and love every one of them.

Then I ordered some of his e-books and took his advice. The first show I did after reading the e-books helped me deal with a bad show. The promoter and I left as very good friends and I have been promised the top spot next year. (it really wasn't the promoters fault) I was the only vendor not to complain.

The next show I was in was great. Preston was right. I sold birthstone rings I made right there. They more than paid for my booth and people loved watching me make them. I talked and answered questions about my work as I worked, and more people bought because of it. I'm still not getting rich yet, but I've only been to 2 shows since I've known Preston. Each one is getting better. I also got asked into a Gallery because of the sclupting I"m doing.

Where do you sell your jewelry? Do you have any tips on selling there?
So far I sell at shows most of the time. I just opened a store at the Handcrafted Jewelry Mall, and tomorrow I bring my things to the Gallery.

As for selling at shows, do demonstrate your work. People are drawn to it and will buy because they watched you make a piece.

What's your biggest selling piece and why?
The wire sclupted pendents and birthstone rings. I think because they are unusual and for the rings, because they can watch me make them.

What one piece of advice can you give to other aspiring jewelry makers?
Use Preston's DVD's, read his e-books, follow his advice. Also, search the internet for advice. But Preston's is best. You can do it. Have faith in yourself.

Have you quit your day job yet? Can you give us any idea how much income your jewelry is making?
I'm retired so I didn't have a day job to quit. So far I"m not making a lot, but after Preston (I have before Preston and after Preston in my life) each show is getting better and I"m making more.

What would you say to someone that might be hesitant to invest in Preston's course?
Don't be! I can't say enough about how Preston's courses have changed my life. For the information you get, his DVD's are a steal. (but you don't have to raise your prices just cuz I said that) And his e-books are chock full of info you don't get any place else. This is not money wasted. This is money well spent. I have gotten 2 of my friends buying his DVD's and they love it too.

Has jewelry making changed your life in any way?
YES!!! I have ADHD and depression. I have never had any self-confidence. Preston's courses have changed my life. I'm more confident now, I can actually do something people like and pay me for. Even my Dr. has seen the change in me since Preston. My perscription is to keep it up.

What's your plan for the future?
Keep making jewelry, learning more and more, and I'd like to get into more galleries. Possibly do more high end shows. I just did a bridal set for my niece and have been asked to do some for her friends. Possibly get into bridal jewelry.