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Pat Wilson
From Talkeetna, Alaska

Tell us your story.
I am disabled, in 2004, I was living off of $280 a month interim disability. I was at the end of my rope, and let go, and let God. I prayed, fasted and retreated, seeking God's perfect will. The small wee voice in me that better be God...or i am in serious trouble..told me to separate my needs from my business, and to put every penny I earned in my business back into my business. At that point I thought God meant my horses, I had been a therapeutic horse back riding instructor. But no, I was invited to a Christian PowWow in Homer Alaska, and a Chief gave me a word...PREPARE YOUR REGALIA...

I went into a bead shop to decorate a shawl, now over two years later, I am a beader/jeweler. I have a business that is working on a work program through my disability. I am helping other beaders get started, 5Mile Creek is a buying coop for other people, I have a budding internet ebay site, SHEKINAG. and I am venturing into gemstones, and that is where jewelry wrapping came in.

Beading is stringing pretty colored beads and gemstones on a wire,, that is where you find the stone, then you work with the different element to enhance it. I started out with cheap wire from walmart, and now I am learning the ins and outs of wire wrapping from you.

I have more stones for wirewrapping than time can allow, I am working out projects on a regular basis. I was most pleased with my first project that I sold. A woman brought me a delicate piece of jade to drill a hole in. Well that soon became the last thing I wanted to do because the jade would have broken. I then went to 3 different wire wrappers in our community, and each time, I rejected their work (paid them but refused to pass it on to the client) Then in frustration, I tried it myself, and found that I was able to accomplish just what I visualized.

On a disability, and a reeducation program, I have to work on business plans and am highly auditable. My wire wrapping education is high on the list of my business plan, and hope to be able to afford it in the first 3 months of 2007. I can see that the wire writing will be a big advantage as I work with tourists who come to our small Alaskan village. I am really excited about the entrance into a new chapter of my jewelry business.

And on the personal note, this is the first time in my 59 years and dozen business...I owe nothing to anybody, and if this business fails, I have to keep all these beautiful things...............darn............gosh......twist my arm. God bless you, respectfully pat

Where do you sell your jewelry? Do you have any tips on selling there?
I have a few hundred necklaces on consignment at a new local shop in our small village. I have a line of Alaska Black Diamond jewelry at another large shop. I do custom work for a third shop, and a bed and breakfast gift shop. I have my items in hospital gift shops, and am on ebay. But my main source is custom work. I remake jewelry for my clients.

Decide what you want from your clients...someone you sell just one thing with and never hear from again...

I have become a friend to all of my clients, I know about their lives, their likes, their dislikes. I keep track of who buys what, and what they like. I am new to ebay, but my original first buyer has become my best customer, the friends I have made love having their own custom jeweler. There is a benefit for them to show of my designs, and to be able to tell them that the work is custom, and they got just what they wanted.

It takes time to build a relationship, but I keep in touch, I give them presents...I give every new buyer presents for punching me in as a favorite. I pack things in my local newspaper with notes to them about my area.

My first ebay seller told me that "lady this is ebay, not a social club, you are here to do business, not make friends!" Long story short, we are friends, we are repeat customers, we are fellow horse people, and I know the name of their newest offspring from their stallion, who will AI my mare in the spring. I hear from them weekly.

I could settle for one contact, but I want security and that comes with pleasing the customer with personally designed work, and wire working fits so nicely into that nitch.

What's your biggest selling piece and why?
My biggest selling item are Bear Bell Bracelets because tourist love to take them home and tell of Alaskans who wear bells while picking berries.

I am most known for my combining elements, and this is where my wirewraping will increase

My next best selling item is a "make it yourself jewelry kit".

My 2007 project is to wirewrap some very large carat gemstones and set them. I hope to find a good source of jade, because I want my Alaskan jade wire wrap to be the item that I sell the most of in the coming year.

What one piece of advice can you give to other aspiring jewelry makers?
Read every posting here, practice, practice, and practice some more, take what you read, what you know and balance it in between.

I try to stay modern without copying others. I mix elements, wire wrapping with crocheting, with beading. I then wear everything that I make to see how it sets, how it looks, how the clasps work, and most of all how people react to it.

Have you quit your day job yet? Can you give us any idea how much income your jewelry is making?
Yes, in 2005, I made $12,000 in a 5 month tourist season, and I spent $12,500 on materials. This year I have not done the book work yet, but have spent more than $20,000 on beads and materials, and only spend what I make, so I made at least $20,000.

I now receive a small disability, and hope that by the end of 2008, I can tell them I do not need it. It pays the utilities while I build my business. As long as I spend what I make and keep excellent records, I can invest in myself. The minute I make a profit, it is deducted from my disability, and I want that time to come.

What would you say to someone that might be hesitant to invest in Preston's course?
You are not investing in Preston, you are investing in yourself, and you are worth every penny spent. I am trying to rob Peter to pay Preston. If you can do it without struggling or suffering, do it NOW

Has jewelry making changed your life in any way?
Oh yes, I have gained confidence in my self, I can see light at the end of a very long poverty tunnel, and I have good goals and obtainable dreams.

Two years ago I was depressed, poverty bound and in a very dangerous position in life (single, Alaskan cost of living and disabled with no money)

I am still single, I am still an Alaskan homesteader, I am still disabled, and I still have no money....but I am a top Alaskan designer of hematite, I am a designer to beat in the market, and I help others get started.

My jewelry making has given me hope, and the day that I start sending my ebay clients their wirewrapped name in a necklace is the day that I will go into the mega ebay status.

Do you sell any of your work on line or on Ebay? Do you do well there?
I have carried my 2 year invest back into itself for my ebay. I do not expect to make any money for two years. I have a few dozen clients. I am building my reputation, and have kept every buyer, and they are now starting to bid against each other. The first 3 months I paid out over $1,200 in costs and made something like $67. Today I am making 1-3 sales a week, and just am now breaking even, making what I am spending, and I am 9 months into my business plan of 2 years. I am mentored by long time sellers, and give advice to new time sellers. My numbers are low, but my buyers and sellers have come back hundreds of times, and love me. I have a clear goals, and achievable expectations. I may never become a mega seller, but I will have a nice ebay store to sell my jewelry on, I will have 10 or so new creations a week on bid, and will continue to give custom service.

It is my goal to be able to support myself off of my ebay auctions and ebay store, and then I will not have to sit with tourists all day long, all summer long. I want a life that is more than getting up, going to a shop, coming home and collapsing. Ebay is that avenue.

What's your plan for the future?
My plans are clear, I want your course, so bad, I can taste it. I will have it, I will continue to incorporate wire into my designs, and increase my inventory of wire creations.

I am searching out a market for rough jade to wirewrap for the May-Sept tourist season.

I want to design a bible bookmark that is a name, So many people are buying gifts for their mothers, their grandmothers, and what do you get for the woman who has everything?

I want to enter my multi element jewelry designs in some state competition.

I want to get married and retire to just doing the work that I enjoy instead of the small tourist items that pay the bills.

Thank you for your part in my future. God bless you, respectfully pat