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Suzanne Barrett
From Santa Cruz, CA

Tell us your story.
When my stepfather's ninety-one-year-old neighbor showed me her paper bead necklaces and earrings, I thought: "Gee, I think I can do that." So I asked her to show me how.

Fast forward a few weeks. I made myself a necklace, then a dozen more. One of my water aerobics students suggested I enter the local craft show she was chairing, and to my surprise, I sold half the stock I had made for the event.

But then I felt I wanted to get into working with beads and gemstones, so I began beading and sold more items at a couple of different craft shows.

But I still wanted more. I wanted to design pendants, so I bought six of Preston's dvds and set to work. I found my niche in working with the border wrap, mostly in sterling silver. To date I have made well over one hundred pendants and many sets of wire-wrapped earrings. I specialize in freeform and designer-cut cabochons and work to hone my craft every day. I love wire wrap and am so thankful to have found something that gives me so much pleasure.

Where do you sell your jewelry? Do you have any tips on selling there?
I designed a web site where I display my work and have made a few sales there, but mostly I display at local craft shows and at one of the health spas where I also teach water aerobics.

What's your biggest selling piece and why?
I have several customers who enjoy unusual pieces, and I've had success selling large freeform Turquoise pendants in the 60 to 70 ct. size range, also some unusual designer stones such as Charoite and Utah Tiffany stone.

What one piece of advice can you give to other aspiring jewelry makers?
Don't be afraid to burn up a little wire. Not every design you create will be one you love, but keep practicing to perfect your craft. Often the early designs are only criticized by you. Someone else may love what you've done. In your quest for perfection, practice and study. I've found inspiration from the dvds and from magazines.

Have you quit your day job yet? Can you give us any idea how much income your jewelry is making?
I am retired from the corporate world, so I have the best of each, a retirement and an avocation that makes a little money.

What would you say to someone that might be hesitant to invest in Preston's course?
Grit your teeth and take the plunge. The techniques you learn are much less expensive than the number of classes you'd have to take on your own, and you can be instructed by the master any time you need a refresher.

Has jewelry making changed your life in any way?
Hee hee. It's made me a very busy lady ... and a happy one.

Do you sell any of your work on line or on Ebay? Do you do well there?
I haven't sold on Ebay but I have a web site where I sell and I'm looking into doing so.

What's your plan for the future?
Work my craft, keep active and busy and build a reputation for quality work so I gain new and repeat customers.