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Laura Sanchez

Tell us your story.
Since I could remember, starting about 5 years of age, every time I saw my grandmother (she was my twin)we had a tradition of getting all her jewelry out and she would tell me stories of each piece as I examined them. Every single time at the end of hours playing with her treasure she would give me one thing. My grandmother was "The World To Me"! She started my love for jewelry and the excitement that goes with it! Since her passing several years ago I grieved deeper than anyone in the family and just couldn't heal. The first Christmas she was gone I took her antique buttons and with wire made sculptures for the Christmas trees for the family. In doing so, I really felt like she was with us and finally felt a moment of peace. Few years later, still hurting from my loss, I awoke with a voice telling me, " You are very creative, why couldn't you "make" jewelry?" So this past Christmas I saved all my Christmas money and bought my first investment in making jewelry and got one of your packages. I am making jewelry in the name of my grandmother and for the first time I am finally starting to heal because I am carring on something we both shared so others can have the same experience!! To jewelry and the LOVE that goes with it!!!

Where do you sell your jewelry? Do you have any tips on selling there?
Right now just among friends or those that happen to find out and want to see my pieces. I just began this winter and feel like there is so much more i want to learn in the craft but would like to perfect each skill before starting another.

What's your biggest selling piece and why?
I think my earrings. One, I can make a lot of them quickly, and two, they are more affordable for the clients. They can get several earrings for the price of one pendant but I have to say the pendants are literally right behind the earrings because they are a piece of art and people like originality.

What one piece of advice can you give to other aspiring jewelry makers?
Enjoy doing it. If it feels like it is becoming a chore, put it down for a while and indulge into something else until your creativity gets flowing again. Also, look at others people work for ideas and inspiration!!

Have you quit your day job yet? Can you give us any idea how much income your jewelry is making?
Yes, my day job is gone but for other reasons but is giving me the perfect chance to perfect this new skill. I must admit that i haven't invested to much time selling as my focus is to really enjoy and the more i do this the more i may get more business like with it. I have my first craft show in June so wish me luck and I keep you posted.

What would you say to someone that might be hesitant to invest in Preston's course?
I too didn't' know what all to expect with investing this money that took me a while to save. One thing is for sure, Knowledge is power...This is something that no one can take from you and a learned skill is something that not just anyone knows. It will add to your character and your personality will come through onto your work, which, how cool is it to know a piece of you can keep on going and be loved and cherished by someone else?!

Has jewelry making changed your life in any way?
Yes!!! I had a wonderful career and one that I loved. It also involved creativity and sculpting. I was a natural at it and also grieve that I can't do it anymore do to health reasons. Because jewelry has a very low toxicity issue, i am able to do jewelry, feel connected to my grandmother, and still be creative. It has definitely filled a void!

Do you sell any of your work on line or on Ebay? Do you do well there?
Not yet!

What's your plan for the future?
Get my health back, relearn to enjoy life and all it has to offer, and do what I "LOVE" to do, and stop settling. I would really like to learn all the skills I admire in the jewelry world and just do, with no pressure of the thought of money!!! Although, money is great!!