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Deena Hartline
From Washington, DC

Tell us your story.
Hello Fellow Artisans, My Name is Deena aka ImaVikingQueen.
I started making jewellery when I was three years old.
When my little sister was born, she would like to pull on these big pink Lucite square dangle earrings my mother wore.I knew my mother didn't like it very one afternoon I sneaked into her jewellery drawer and shorten the earrings. They were perfect!
My parents couldn't believe I could take 2mm cable chains and recreate the earrings. Ever since then I've been making jewellery.
Oh, and as a child, I spent all of my time in her jewellery has these big dressers full of jewellery. Now, I do too!

Where do you sell your jewelry? Do you have any tips on selling there?
I Currently sell my designs on ID ImaVikingQueen Store Name: Southwind Jewellery Designs.
Above is a link to a Magnificent Queen Cleopatra Parure I have listed.

What's your biggest selling piece and why?
My biggest selling pieces are my Egyptian Designs & My Native American Fetishes.
The Native American Designs sell very well as I have a Girlfriend who's a Navajo Indian Artisan. She hand carves all my semi-precious gemstone fetish beads and hand tools all my Sterling Silver beads.
I feel, The Egyptian Designs sell well because I use rare brass & copper stampings for pendants and earrings and the designs are stunning with all the Crystals, Gemstones and Precious Metals I use to create them.

What one piece of advice can you give to other aspiring jewelry makers?
Never Ever Give Up!
Every Artisan learns by making mistakes and asking loads of questions!

Plus, what you might think is a mistake (in your design) might be a rare find to someone else.

Have you quit your day job yet? Can you give us any idea how much income your jewelry is making?
I I enjoy my day job. I only work two days a week now instead of 7 days of week! woohoo!!
I run a Cab Company here in Washington DC and I have found it to be a great way to NETWORK. They say, if you enjoy what you do, you never work a day in your life...well, designing jewellery has given me the freedom and the income to travel, buy a new house, buy a 26ft sloop so I can fish on the Chesapeake, and more..With hard work and patients and a good listening ear, you'll get there too..just ask Preston.

What would you say to someone that might be hesitant to invest in Preston's course?
Do not hesitate..go for it!!
Always remain teachable. Take advantage of any and every opportunity to learn something new about jewellery making.
I'd love to own Preston's Course!
Preston has added a personal touch to his teachings, that my friends is rare gem all on it's own.

Has jewelry making changed your life in any way?
Jewellery Making has changed my life in many ways.
I meet so many fabulous people in my travels. But most of all, I feel good about me, It truly warms my heart when I see a man, woman or child with a big smile on their face while wearing something I created. It sounds like such a simple thing but really, it's a huge deal making someone happy.

What's your plan for the future?
Ahh, the future..
I'd love to open my own boutique: "Southwind Jewellery Designs Custom Made For Any Occasion"
I'd like to have a bunch of them all over the world!