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Abdul Jalil el Challah
From Dubai - UAE, outside US

Tell us your story.
It all started in a clothing factory. I used to own a clothing manufacturer, and i used to design the clothes, and i used to work in the jewelry in free times, since i like hand-working. After 30 years in clothing i sold the factory, and kept on working with jewels, especially gem stones, so i started doing accessories from these stones and from silver. I really enjoy working with these stones, it makes me come closer to nature, where i belong to. However i still consider my self in the same domain that i was in.

Where do you sell your jewelry? Do you have any tips on selling there?
I sell my accessories in dubai,i have specific customers, because i depend on the word-of mouth.
Locals in Dubai love natural things and they spent so much times on such things, they give so much importance to all what is made from jewels and gems.

What's your biggest selling piece and why?
I have sold a necklace that contains white pearl with silver. It was one of the greatest piece of works that i have done.
Actually i should adore what i am working with, if not i cant continue it successfully. I try to make it perfect and professionally.

What one piece of advice can you give to other aspiring jewelry makers?
I say that all jewelry makers should go into natural things, never use fake material in your products.

Have you quit your day job yet? Can you give us any idea how much income your jewelry is making?
I consider it a hobby more than a job, and i dont depend on its income, since am still in the begining of the jewelry domain, so all what i do is mostly for fun, but i sell them, when there is someone asking me for it.

What would you say to someone that might be hesitant to invest in Preston's course?
It gives you a new experiance that am sure he doesnt have.

Has jewelry making changed your life in any way?
It made me come more close to nature.

What's your plan for the future?
Since I am still in the begining of this domain, so am planning to enlarge my work. There are many things in this domain that i should learn about.