Caged Bird Earrings

Caged Bird Earrings

Designed by Sonja Kiser

Skill Level: Advanced

Technique: Motion Connections

Sometimes when I sit down to make a project, I just pick up whatever wire scraps happen to be on my table and start "playing." While working on motion ideas, this is how I came up with the following design. When it began to resemble a birdcage I decided to finish the illusion by adding a red bead to represent all of the beautiful cardinals we have in the southeast (locally known as "red birds"). Of course if you change to color of the bead to yellow it can represent a canary, green for a parrot, blue for a bluebird and so on.

Tip:Remember to make each earring at the same time, reversing the steps from one to the other to make a mirror image, matching pair!




  1. Straighten, clean, measure and then cut two of each of the following wire lengths: 3-⅜ inches, 3-¼ inches, 4 inches, and 1 ½ inches. Individually twist each of the 3-⅜ inch wires. Measure and mark the center of each and then measure and mark 7/16 inch on each side of the center. Working with both wires as though they were one, line up the marks and use flat-nose pliers, placed just to the outside of one 7/16 inch mark, and bend the wires up at a 70° angle. Repeat on the opposite end of the wires, forming a triangular shape.
    Caged Bird Earrings
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  2. From each corner, measure 1 ¼ inch up the length of each leg, mark and trim. From each trimmed end, measure down each leg ⅜ inch and mark. At each ⅜ inch mark, use flat-nose pliers to bend the wire ends straight up, and then 90° out, toward the front of the triangle shape.
    Caged Bird Earrings
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  3. Use round nose pliers to form an 'eye' loop at each of these locations, rolling the bent wire back toward the triangle shape and ending with each loop being centered at the top of its respective leg.
    Caged Bird Earrings
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  4. At one end of each 3-¼ inch wire, use round-nose pliers to make a small 'eye' loop. Measure from the bottom of the eye, down 1-inch and mark. Again, working with both wires at the same time as though they were one, place this mark on the end of a marking pen and bend each side of the wire around the pen, forming a U shape that is perpendicular to the eye end.
    Caged Bird Earrings
    Caged Bird Earrings
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  5. On the opposite end of the eye, measure down 13/16 inch and mark. Open the eye slightly, insert it onto the bottom of triangle and close, allowing piece to move freely. (The 13/16-inch mark should line up across the bottom of the triangle wire.) Thread a 4mm stardust bead onto this wire.
    Caged Bird Earrings
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  6. Place tips of round-nose pliers on the topside of the 13/16 inch mark and hold while using fingers to roll the wire over the pliers jaw, toward the back and loosely around the bottom wire.
    Caged Bird Earrings
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  7. Now place tips of round nose pliers onto the front tail of the loop just made and use fingers to bend the wire's end at an angle, toward the side. Use chain-nose pliers to form a small loop at the very end of this wire. Repeat on the other earring in the opposite direction.
    Caged Bird Earrings
    Caged Bird Earrings
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  8. On each of the 4 inch wires, use round-nose pliers to make an 'eye' at one end. Measure from the bottom of the eye down, 1-¼ inches. Using a ring mandrel, place this mark on size 4 and bend both of these wires around the mandrel, perpendicular to the eye.
    Caged Bird Earrings
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  9. Measure 1-inch down from the straight end of each curved eye wire, and mark. As in Step 5, connect this loop onto the bottom triangle wire, on the out side of the first connected loop. Continue with Steps 6 and 7 on the other end of the wire.
    Caged Bird Earrings
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  10. Before bending this wire's end over at an angle, make a small, tight rosette at the end.
    Caged Bird Earrings
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  11. At the end of each 1-½ inch wire, make a small 'eye'. Add the chosen rondel bead and rosette up the 'tail'. Attach the 'bird' to the first end loop created. Insert soldered jump ring into top two loops on 'cage' and attach ear wires.
    Caged Bird Earrings
    Caged Bird Earrings
    Line Break

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