Before I learned how to use my combination pliers, whenever I was making a wrapped loop, I had 2 pairs of pliers handy: my round nose pliers for making the round loop, and my chain nose pliers for gripping the loop as I made the wire wraps. With my combination pliers, I can do both functions using the same pliers. Here’s how:
Using the two pairs of pliers, you begin making a wire wrapped loop by wrapping your wire around the round nose pliers, and crossing the wires in front of each other. From here, you would put slide the loop off the round nose pliers and grasp the loop in your chain nose pliers before you start wrapping one wire around the other in a coil.
With the combination pliers, all I have to do is slip the loop off the round jaw of the pliers and grip it between both jaws before I continue wrapping. The flat chain nose jaw will hold the loop securely without slipping while I wrap.
Once you get a pair of combination pliers, you’ll wonder how you ever functioned without them. Experiment with your combination pliers for any project where you use both a pair of chain nose and a pair of round nose pliers. If you’re like me, you’ll find that you love the convenience of not having to put down and pick up different pliers multiple times during a project!