1. The wire you just used to wrap around all eight base wires three times is now facing the front of the setting. It will be used to wrap the bail of the finished piece. Separate the bail from the rest of the base wires by bending forward the front two base wires.
2. Continuing the natural direction of the wrapping wire, wrap several times around just these two front wires. Pause to tighten and flatten your wraps periodically as usual.
3. Measure and mark a 3cm length. This is how far you will wrap the bail. Trim the bail approximately 2cm past the end of your wrap.
4. Finish wrapping the half-round wire around the bail wires. Use your flush cutters to trim the wrapping wire on what will be the inside of the finished bail, which is currently facing upward.
5. Place a bend in the bail wires, just past the last wrap, pointing upward. This bend can be anywhere from 45 degrees to 90 degrees; accuracy is not critical here.
6. Next we will place and finish the other wrapping wire, which is still sticking out from the back of the setting. First, separate the base wires by bending pairs to each side. The first pair goes right, and both back pairs go left.
7. The base wire pair that went right should be separated from each other a bit, as only one of these will be wrapped with the half-round wire, and you will want some space to work.
8. Bend the half-round wrapping wire up the back of the setting, placing a small twist to ensure that the flat side faces in toward the piece and the rounded side faces outward.
9. Bring the wrapping wire between the separated base wires, then bring it down in front of the lower right-side base wire. The natural direction of the wrapping wire should allow you to start wrapping around that base wire with the flat side of the half-round wire facing inward and the rounded side outward.
10. Measure and mark a length of 4cm on the wrapped base wire. This is how far you will wrap it, then trim the wrapping wire and press down the end to ensure it's secure.