Daily Wire Tip Jan. 29: Using Round Wire in Traditional Ring Designs?

By on January 28, 2011
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Daily Wire Jewelry Making Tip for
January 29, 2011


Hi Dale, I always see you using half round or square wire in your ring projects. My question is, could you use round wire, and if so, what would the difference be?

-Mishi in Clinton, Connecticut


You are welcome Mishi – thanks for your appreciation! I have built my design and teaching reputation by using square wire (most often half hard) because it works so beautifully!

Square wire will lie side-by-side much more easily than round; therefore, it will wrap better, holding together for generations. I have seen some round wire rings, but it is difficult to wrap more than 2 or 3 strands of round wire together, because round wire rolls.

One student of mine did make a nice ring design using round wire, but she had used a chasing hammer to flatten it first, so that the wraps would hold. I hope this helps!

Answer contributed by Dale “Cougar” Armstrong

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  1. avatar

    Marty Blu

    January 30, 2011 at 12:15 am

    I made Dales’ Crystal Cascade ring with round wire, with half round wraps. I liked the way it turned out but I couldn’t imagine using round wire to do the wraps…until the thought of hammering it first came up. I’ll have to try that. :)

  2. avatar


    February 2, 2011 at 11:52 am

    One of the reasons I don’t make rings with round wire is that I don’t like the way the band looks nor lays when finished. I have “anchored” the wires using small sections worked in half-round and that seems to help “firm” the ring up.
    The idea of hammering just the middle section of a round wire band maybe and then wrapping it with half-round might be a nice alternative.