Daily Wire Tip Dec. 20: Repairing a Bead Wire

By on December 19, 2010
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Daily Wire Jewelry Making Tip for
December 20, 2010


Dale, I made the Beaded Clasp Bangle Bracelet from your Intermediate series. I wore it a couple of times, and the bead wire broke in the center of the chevron. Is there a way to fix it without starting over? I have an order for another one, and want to be sure this doesn’t happen again. What are some reasons for breakage? Thanks so much for all help.

-Janet in Greensboro, North Carolina


Janet, there is only one reason that I can think of immediately, as to why the beaded wire broke. If it had been bent a couple of times, therefore destroying the temper and weakening the wire, it might snap. Yes, there are two ways you can fix it.

One way is to insert the end of a replacement wire, as you are removing the broken wire, hoping it will slide easily back through the end wraps.

Another way would be to cut the beaded section off, bend the remaining bead wire back over the inside of the side wraps, and finish it like you would the ends. Then open the chevron a bit more and insert something else, for instance a small cab done using the same procedure as the "cover" bracelet in Wirework.

Answer contributed by Dale “Cougar” Armstrong

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One Comment

  1. avatar

    Jane Elizabeth

    December 20, 2010 at 11:21 am

    Janet, Thanks for asking that question as I have often wondered if a repair was possible! BTW My brother’s wife Karen is from Greensboro and I have visited many times… I love love love your city! Happy Holidays!