Daily Wire Tip Apr. 7: Wrapping a Large Pearl Ring

By on April 6, 2011
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Daily Wire Jewelry Making Tip for
April 7, 2011


I need advice on making the Pharaoh Ring. I’m using a very big flat pearl, it’s about 18mm wide, any ideas? Or maybe another ring style? I have all of your DVDs. Thanks!

-Ida in Tucson, Arizona


Hi Ida! To make such a wide pearl into a ring, first take into account the size of the finger the ring is being made for. Place the pearl on the finger-is it wider than the finger? If so, then I would use a smaller item. If the pearl "just fits" the width of the finger, it can be used; however, the side bindings will be a bit off. You will have to plan the wraps for a smaller ring, so they lie on the sides of the finger (and might feel cumbersome between the fingers).

Use a cloth measuring tape to measure 2/3 of the finger – around the back and the two sides. Make the normal wire bundle, mark the center and then mark half of the distance you measured around 2/3 of your finger. Work the wraps backwards, beginning each at the 2/3 mark on each side of the center, wrapping back toward the center. Now continue making the ring as normal, except do not use the mandrel and mallet to round the wraps, as they will be on the sides of your finger! When locking the pearl into the frame, the lock-in wraps will go on the sides of the pearl, toward the back. Good luck! (Me, I’d use a smaller pearl or make a larger ring, like a size 12!)

Answer contributed by Dale "Cougar" Armstrong

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  1. avatar


    April 9, 2011 at 12:17 am

    Dale and Ida….I made the Pharaoh’s ring using a flat gilisen’s opal with square copper wire and silver half round wraps. When I got to the part of fitting the opal in the ring I found exactly what you are talking about. I had to modify the top wires to fit so I just laid the first 3 wires down on the sides of the opal to lock in and tightened the wires across the top with zig zags. I then took the remaining wires and made swirls and laid them down on top of the locking wires on the sides. It turned out quite well and has brought many compliments. You never know how something is going to turn out until you give it a try.

    • avatar


      April 10, 2011 at 12:20 am

      Thanks for sharing your experience with us, Beverly.