Daily Wire Tip Mar. 17: Adjusting a Ring for Thicker Cabochons

By on March 16, 2011
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Daily Wire Jewelry Making Tip for
March 17, 2011


Hi Dale, I love the Daily Tips! I bought the Classic Cab/Pharaoh’s Ring DVD, Beginner Series 7. I had success with a thin cab, but need some advice on how to mount a thicker one. Can you give me some advice on that? Thank you.

-Martha in Nashua, New Hampshire


Hi Martha – you’re welcome, and thanks!

When you add a thicker cab to the classic cab ring design, the inside wire (the one that goes behind the cab) will simply slide out a bit more, into the ring (forming more "lace"). Go ahead and let it slide. When you get ready to make those first 4 side "lock-in" wraps, remember that the second wire down is actually the wire that goes behind the stone. Bend, trim and lock-in the very first wire on each of the four sides, and when you are getting ready to do the second wire, use your flat nose pliers to firmly pull it out, in its same position toward the front, tightening the lace. Then pull it up and get it ready for the bend, trim, and lock-in. The first end of one will be easy and the second one may not pull in all the way, as it makes room for the thicker cab. That’s all there is to it. Have fun!

Answer contributed by Dale "Cougar" Armstrong

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