Daily Wire Tip Oct. 18: How Do I Secure the Ends of My Jewelry?

By on October 18, 2009
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Daily Wire Jewelry Making Tip
October 18, 2009


When doing a wrap, your wire wrapping book says to “secure the ends”.  How do I do that?


Without knowing which pattern you are referring to, I can only tell you that securing wire ends can be done in several ways. Sometimes by adding a slight curve on to the end and then hooking it around another wire and then crimping the curve closed will work, while other times a wire end can be slightly bent and actually inserted between other wires and/or a stone or bead and then pushed tightly into place.

Answer contributed by Dale “Cougar” Armstrong


  1. avatar

    Juan M Colon

    October 18, 2009 at 4:43 pm

    I would like to have tip #2 & #3 again. Sorry my kid delete the message, so I lost it. Thanks. Juan

  2. avatar


    October 18, 2009 at 7:15 pm

    Alot of times securing your wire is after you are useing a 1/2 round wire in a wrap. If this is the case, I cut the wire to end in the middle of whatever you are wrapping, then you cut it at a angle so it sloops down and then pinch the wire tightly against the other wires. Hope that helps.