Daily Wire Tip July 24: Sea Glass and Seashell Jewelry

By on July 23, 2010
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Daily Wire Jewelry Making Tip
July 24, 2010


I am getting much better at pricing my sea glass jewelry, thanks to you, but when collecting I also pick up beautiful perfectly sanded sea shell pieces. They are nice and thick so they do not break. They make gorgeous pendants when they are wrapped. My question, is how would you price them? What is their value as opposed to sea glass?

-Bonnie in Ennis, Montana


I am so pleased that the pricing article has helped you realize the value of your work! Now as for the value of shells, driftwood, coral pieces, pottery shards and other found items, I would price them about the same as “normal” sea glass (not including, of course, rare colors as described here.

In my opinion, the value in pieces such as these lies in the design and accompanying materials used such as the wire choice and the addition of pearls, crystals, etc. Most folks will purchase a beach or vacation souvenir for sentimental reasons. BTW, these sound really pretty!

Answer contributed by Dale "Cougar" Armstrong

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  1. avatar


    July 24, 2010 at 12:14 pm

    This is the first year, after years of beading, that I have started to wrap beach glass, shell pieces etc. I know that I am under pricing my pieces and so any ideas of prices would be helpful to me as well. I use mostle the non-tarnish silver wire to wrap. I have found some of the rarer pieces and those I will use silver wire and put a sterling chain on them. Thank you in advance for any help you may be able to offer me.

  2. avatar


    July 24, 2010 at 11:49 pm

    Dale, thanks for clearing that up for me. Being an inlander and having been to the shore 3 times in my life, you have clearly defined ‘sea glass and pottery for me. I’ve seen some in the craft stores. I thought it was real, until I read your article. It is good to know, especially when pricing jewelry made from artificial sea glass. I wouldn’t want to make that Faux pas.