Create Beautiful Wire Crochet with No Special Tools!

By on July 14, 2017
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by Judy Ellis,

Wire Jewelry Tip for July 14th, 2017

Create Beautiful Wire Crochet with No Special Tools!

by delilah

You can work up beautiful wire crochet pieces with no crochet hook! Use simple barbecue skewers instead!

Use 2 barbecue sticks and rotate them simultaneously for each perfectly round loop and pull the wire snugly. You will get consistently round loops for the crochet look.

You can use these “crocheted” pieces for wire flowers, bezels for stones or beads, and, if you crochet a big enough piece, you can create bracelets.

To crochet wire, use a fine gauge like 28-gauge. Because a wire that fine is pretty soft, you can use either dead soft or half hard.

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Happy Wrapping!


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One Comment

  1. avatar


    July 17, 2017 at 12:08 am

    Well, I’m impressed! I’m definitely going to give this a try! For years, I’ve tried unsuccessfully to crotchet, but I can’t keep the right amount of tension, so it always looks uneven. Now arthritis in my hands is a great discourager as well! This technique looks “do-able” and very pretty to boot, not to mention versatile! Thanks for the tip!