Featured Tool: Bead Crimping Pliers

By on August 17, 2016
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by Judy Ellis, Wirejewelry.com

Wire Jewelry Tool Tip for August 17th 2016

Crimping Pliers

by Kate Richbourg

Do you work with crimp beads? Then we have the perfect crimping tool for you, and today we get a quick video tip from Kate on how to use these wonderful tools.  On our sister site JewerlyTools.com, we carry many different sizes and types of crimp pliers. Take a look!

Kate says:



Here are a few of the Crimping Pliers Kate talked about:


There are many uses for the Crimp Pliers – and sometimes there not just for beading… Take a look at this BLOG POST by Albina Manning for more great ideas!


I hope you enjoyed this quick video from Kate. If you’d like to read more of Kate’s blog posts – CLICK HERE!

Happy Wrapping!

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