Featured Tool: Bracelet Bending Plier

By on May 4, 2015
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by Judy Ellis, Wire-Sculpture.com

Tool of the Week for April 4, 2015

This week’s featured video tool tip is about the Bracelet Bending Plier PLR-840.00

Whether you’re working with pattern wire or just creating a gentle curve for a bracelet, the Bracelet Bending Pliers are the perfect addition to your toolbox.

With a gentle arc for bracelets, the nylon jaws of this plier cannot scratch. Makes reshaping bracelets easy. Order extra sets of nylon jaws and customize your own shape jaws for any task by simply carving the nylon with a knife. 5″ (125mm).

Click below to see this Bracelet Bending Plier #PLR-840.00 available on JewelryTools.com:

Bracelet Bending Plier||PLR-840.00

Take a moment and watch as Kate Richbourg shows us how to use these fantastic Pliers.


If you’d like to experiment with your new Bracelet Bending Plier, here’s what Kate was using in her video – Pattern wire!

Happy Wrapping!

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  1. avatar

    Lynn Zoske

    May 4, 2015 at 10:30 am

    I’m excited about the bracelet bending tool. I have 2 questions. 1 how do you make a sharper curve then what the video shows and 2 how thick a wire either flat or round (square etc) can you bend with it.
    Thanks Lynn

  2. avatar


    June 1, 2015 at 11:29 am

    Thank you so much for this video. I purchased this tool but was using it incorrectly and wondered why it didn’t work like I thought it should!!! Too funny, right?