Daily Wire Tip Feb. 15: Projects for 18G Copper Wire

By on February 15, 2010
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Daily Wire Jewelry Making Tip
February 15, 2010


I have purchased some copper wire which is 18 gauge and half round and half hard.  What sort of projects can I make with this product?


Usually folks purchase wire because they have a specific need in mind. If one can get a great deal on a product though, it’s easy to jump in and then wonder why. In traditional wire jewelry design, half-round wire is most often used to make the wraps that hold a bundle of square wire together, or to wrap a ring shank. Personally I use 18g half-round to wrap square wire bundles made of gauges from 14 to 18 and also to wrap large, masculine ring shanks. I also know some glass workers who route a groove around a glass cabochon and then use a larger half-round in the groove to frame this type of cab, when making pendants.

Answer contributed by Dale “Cougar” Armstrong

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  1. avatar

    Jane Elizabeth Duke

    February 16, 2010 at 9:24 am

    RE the comment about the use of 18g 1/2 round 1/2 hard wire use. You said you know someone that uses it to put in the groove made around cabs. I use that type for wrapping the in the “Angel Pin” design. I find I need the strength of that gauge to bind the wire bundle to the pin back. I so look forward to being able to purchase your entire series of tapes as well as attending one of your workshops!

  2. avatar

    Sandra M.

    February 27, 2015 at 2:01 pm

    Hi I,m still puzzle about wire and design. I,m a little nervous,Because ai will be testing my jewelry.

  3. avatar

    Sandra M.

    February 27, 2015 at 2:05 pm

    Hi, I,m lookin for the best wire to make beaded necklace. That,s how I,m lookin to begin right now. Using 8 to 10 mm beads and finishing it with 1-3mm beads. what size wire do I use.