You’ll Never Use a Flex Shaft Again

By on January 24, 2014
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by Judy Ellis,

January 24, 2014

Take just a moment….think about the evolution of human transportation.  Not too many years ago if you wanted to go somewhere you would either walk or jump on your horse for him to take you to your destination.  With a little innovation and creativity the horse drawn buggy was born.  A much more exciting way to travel with a softer ride and even the ability to be pulled by a team of horses. In the span of just a few hundred years we move quickly through other means of more sophisticated transportation such as rail and even the automobile.

What used to be a multiple week journey across the United States, today can be done in just a few hours, reclined back in a soft chair, watching a movie while you are quickly flown to your destination. You’re probably wondering what this has to do with jewelry making?? The process of finishing and polishing a piece of handcrafted jewelry has gone through this same type of evolution. Are you still polishing your entire piece by hand or adding texture one stroke or one strike at a time?

I’m so excited to share this new product line with you, you will never want to polish or finish your jewelry by hand ever again.  You won’t even want to use a flexshaft again.  This new line of products will change the way you make jewelry and give you the ability to finish and polish your jewelry like you’ve never been able to before! The hammer hand-piece will texture your metal at up to 5,000 strokes per minute. You can polish your jewelry or finish at up to 45,000 RPM’s and anywhere in between. is the first to carry this exclusive Eurotool line of Micro Motors.

Eco 450 Micro Motor System HDP-400.00

Eco 450 Micro Motor System
  • Max Speed: 45,000RPM
  • 3/32″ collet.
  • Variable speed Foot Control Pedal.
  • Easily switch between Hand Adjust Speed to Foot Pedal Mode.
  • Durable, lightweight and compact.
  • Automatic Safety Overload Protection System.
  • Less noise and vibration.
  • Forward and reverse rotation.
  • Includes: Handpiece Holder and Handpiece Stand.
  • Use with discs, buffs, brushes and polishers.

Hammer Handpiece for Micro Motor HDP-410.00

Bracelet Bench Block
  • Used for texturing, engraving, prong work, etc.
  • Coiled cord with easy plug-in.
  • Up to 5,000 strokes/min.
  • Ergonomic grip to allow control of impact force.
  • Includes: 1 anvil tip, wrench, tightening pin and motor brushes.
  • Use with our Diamond Texture Tool – DIB-300.00.

Portable Micro Motor System HDP-438.00

Portable Micro Motor System
  • Max Speed: 30,000RPM
  • Digital RPM display on control box.
  • Manual speed control dial.
    Built-in, rechargeable Li-ion battery.
  • Run time up to 5 hours; 3 hour battery re-charge time.
  • Includes:
    Control Box with rechargeable battery
  • Handpiece with 3/32″ (2.35mm) collet.
  • Charger/Adapter
  • Handpiece Cradle
  • Spare pair of motor brushes

Rotary Tool Accessory Kit – 30 PC HDP-300.30

Rotary Tool Premium Polishing Kit – 24 PC HDP-300.24

Judy Ellis

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  1. avatar

    Carol White

    January 24, 2014 at 8:05 am

    was thinking this was going to be a “review” of the product based upon the heading – but doesn’t appear to be. Sounds more like an advertisement than anything. Would be interested if someone has used it to read reviews. And…..what’s the price tag?

  2. avatar


    January 24, 2014 at 8:32 am

    These items are great but is there a video out there to show you how to use them and to know which tools to use where.

    • avatar

      Narlene Allen

      January 24, 2014 at 11:33 am

      Connie – Video demonstration for these products are in the works. Keep watching for them in the near future! Thanks!

  3. avatar


    January 24, 2014 at 3:39 pm

    I will be looking forward to the newsletter informing when the video is available. Thanks for this tip!

  4. avatar

    Jill Binning

    January 24, 2014 at 7:52 pm

    Hi everyone – really enjoy reading all your information. my queries are –
    (1) the price of motor plus all necessary attachments?
    (2) are the electrics geared for Australian standards?
    sorry for the questions but not am not very savvy about electrics.
    thank you
    Jill Binning
    Melville, Western Australia

  5. avatar


    January 24, 2014 at 8:46 pm

    I was also looking for a video and price on this “teaser” but I found the price by clicking on the item number. It looks a bit pricy but all new things are and I’m sure it will be worth it. I’ll await the video and see how it goes. I also like to get a few reviews of an item like this before I spend so much.
    I think it will be a great time saver all in all.

  6. avatar

    Cathy Smith

    January 25, 2014 at 11:44 am

    How is this different from a dremmel, other than the foot pedal attachment?

  7. avatar


    January 26, 2014 at 8:31 pm

    I was just looking into getting a tumbler but does this unit do the same thing? I love the “professional” high polish and matte finish that some artists are able to get and I have no idea how to achieve this-certainly not by hand. I would have to bring this in from USA to Canada and shipping is costly so I need to be sure about the outcome I can achieve.