A Letter to your husband…

By on November 29, 2013
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by Judy Ellis, Wire-Sculpture.com

A Letter to your husband…

As you know one of the hardest things this time of year is communicating to the people who love you and want to buy you what you really want, without making it seem like a shopping list.

We’ve taken the liberty, to prepare a special email just for you to copy paste, and send to your husband, kids, grand kids or whoever else you think might be scratching their head wondering what to get you.

Here’s the “non-presumptuous”,  letter to your husband.

Just Copy, Paste, Send.


Judy Ellis, Wire-Sculpture.com



PS: Make sure you put your name in instead…
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Hey Sweetie, (or whatever you call him / her)

I am so excited for the holiday’s this year and I’ve been busily shopping for you, I have some great surprises :)

I know you want to make me happy so I’m going to make it really easy on your head, your calendar, and most importantly your wallet.

As you know I love my jewelry making, and for the next few days, one of my favorite stores, www.wirejewelry.com is having an amazing sale, they do this every year for Black Friday and they have a Lowest Price before Christmas guarantee.

So, anything you buy they’ll match a lower price if it comes out but their deals are never this good, and I just thought it might make your shopping a little easier.

Here’s their 2013 Holiday Gift Guide –>Click Here

I would love just about anything on their list.

I would also really love:

  1. Write down your top wish here
  2. Write your second wish here
  3. Write your third wish here

Thanks again for being such a great _____(fill in the blank, husband, daughter, friend, mom, etc)

I love you,

Your Name

PS: The sale ends on Monday night Dec. 2nd so, hurry :-)



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  1. avatar


    November 29, 2013 at 9:10 am

    Is this site for women only?

  2. avatar

    jelly gamat gold g

    February 6, 2015 at 8:17 am

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts about a letter from judy.